Do the best you can do in every situation and your best changes depending many factors that happen in your life or how you know headaches, exhaustion, not enough caffeine, no sleep and many other circumstances of life.
Who's with me...think of this...Do you feel like September is here and you never had a BREAK not even a teeny tiny break?
So Here are 5 tried and true Ideas that I have used, when I taught...WELL actually still use, to make sure my engine is running in top notch condition:
🌻Surround Yourself with Positivities or Be Positive:
Post a positive or inspirational quote in your classroom, office or anywhere you can see it everyday...Remember there will be days that are harder than others.
It may bring some tears, but happy tears are always good for the soul!
I also have a blessing bracelet that was given to me many years ago from a friend.
🌻Take Time for Yourself and I MEAN ALONE TIME:
I used to take these breaks in my classroom during a prep time or even during my lunch break just to regroup and have a bit of thinking time. Virtual and teaching from your classroom, you can still do these suggestions.
I had a friend who used to ride the school elevator to gain a minute or 2 of quiet time and destress!! Not a bad idea if you have an elevator in your building!
🌻Get Rid of that STRESS!
Here are some Ideas that I have tried and they might also work for YOU!
- Yoga: Every Morning rise a bit earlier and simply do about 7 minutes of yoga poses. Check the internet or have a book handy. You can always sign up for a class, but 7 minutes a day will make a world of difference!!
- Walk at lunch time with a friend, colleague or alone. It is even better when it is cool out! When I taught full-time, (I'm retired now!) we used to walk around the school neighborhood about 2-3 days a week. It was one of the best activities I did and made a world of difference for how I faced the rest of the day.
- I also used to walk with a friend to school everyday...sometimes even in the friend and I would solve all the school issues as we walked and felt great even if the problems did not go away, we still chatted about it and got it off our minds. We lived about a mile and half away from school and would meet on the corner. We were assigned the title:"The Walking teachers" and I would even see someone in a supermarket who would say, "Don't I see you walking everyday to work?"
- Play with the kiddos. play hide and seek, catch outside, a board game, anything you know will take your mind of off school and bring you back to where you the present!
- Read a non educational book.
- That's right PAMPER yourself do something...anything that you love doing...don't wait for someone else to do it!!! might not happen. You are in charge of YOU!!
Now...please note...I am not saying to do all of these...I would add more stress to your life than you had before you started!!!
Simply pick one or two to try for a while and see if it makes a difference in your daily life!
🌻Prioritize or Set Priorities:
- Make a list of Have To's or Must Do's, Can DO's or Can Say No To's and start to listen to your list and cross off and prioritize that list.
- Make a list each week perhaps Sunday night or a night that works for you and write everything that you have that week. Then evaluate each item on your list. Add a key something like this: Green is MUST Do or Have To; Yellow is Can Do and Red is I can say no to or can postpone to another time. Remember, your job can bounce back from a hiccup, but your family and you should be treated like a glass ball because when it breaks, it is harder to mend.
🌻 Eat as Healthy as you Can:
I say as healthy as you can because I know how crazy hectic life can be.
Sometimes you just need to be mindful of what you eat...stop the fog eating, where you are eating without thinking about what you are eating and add a few healthier choices each day.
I simply use frozen smoothie mixes and mix and match to my current mood each morning. Sometimes I add fresh fruit that I have on hand like bananas, blueberries or even an apple.
The last one that you NEED to absolutely add to your diet is water!
Just remember every day is a new beginning with new possibilities. If at first you don't succeed, just simply start again and again...Remember: you might not be there YET...but you will!!
Try your best to focus on the Blessings you have not what your neighbor has...Positivity is a choice...a choice you have to make every single DAY! If you feed your brain positive thoughts, you brain will be reconditioned to think that way, which will lead to a less stressful life.
Allow yourself to make a few mistakes because we learn life long lessons from our mistakes and PLEASE, PLEASE, don't be hard on yourself...NO ONE IS PERFECT!
They say if you can do something for 30 days straight, then it will become a habit or second nature!!
Let me know how you do...I'll be waiting!!