With a Wintery Mix Coming Our Way, I'm Ready to Talk SNOW!
Do I love snow? Not really...BUT...I absolutely do LOVE the first snowfall, which we are supposedly getting on Monday!! I love that snowed in feeling...looking out the window and catching a glimpse of the early morning sun encouraging the snow to sparkle and glisten like tiny diamonds all around.... the white snow dust that swirls across the landscape as the wind crackles! YES! That part I LOVE!
There's one more...there is one thing that really excites me and that is perceiving the snow through the eyes of a child...the excitement and squeals of the snow falling. Everyone running to the classroom windows to see the tiny bits of snow falling down from the clouds...that's what it is all about...they simply LOVE the snow!
So...Let's Talk SNOW...snow resources and activities to ignite that learning.
⛄ Here's a Wintery Mix of Snow-Themed Ideas and Activities:
⛄ Any Story written by Caralyn Buehner; especially her snowman series is worth reading to ignite your students' imagination and creativity! My all time favorite is Snowmen at Night.
Everytime I read this story, I think of another idea of snowmen might just do at night and the ideas that students share amazes me everytime!
If you are looking for a way for your primary students to write creatively, this definitely fits the bill.
You can take a look at the complete resource here and see what you think!
Here is what is included: ⛄3 different sized circles to trace and cut to make a snowman. These can be used as tracers or simply run them off onto card stock, cut and glue.
⛄Various templates for hats, shirts, a tie, and bow
⛄2 easy writing frames.
⛄1 longer writing frame for stronger writers with handwriting lines.
⛄1 longer writing frame for stronger writers with only lines for writing.
⛄1 planning sheet for jotting down ideas and a few extra writing ideas.
⛄ 2 Beginning Middle and End frames for easier writing or just simply writing what the snowman may do for a rough draft and then writing a good copy to display.
⛄I then add lots of beads, scraps, tissue, shape stickers, and all kinds of craft media materials to assist creativity.
⛄An idea with an outline of directions for a lesson.
⛄Sample craft.
⛄1 planning sheet for jotting down ideas and a few extra writing ideas.
⛄ 2 Beginning Middle and End frames for easier writing or just simply writing what the snowman may do for a rough draft and then writing a good copy to display.
⛄I then add lots of beads, scraps, tissue, shape stickers, and all kinds of craft media materials to assist creativity.
⛄An idea with an outline of directions for a lesson.
⛄Sample craft.
⛄ Want a Digital version of Snowmen at Night created for Google Slides™? click here!
⛄ Have Some Fun with Snow Dough!

If they have ever played in snow, they will remember the cold icy feeling of making a snowman, snow angel or snowball.
You can make snow dough with only 2 ingredients...YES...I did say 2. Baking soda and water. All you need is one cup of Baking soda and 1/4 cup of water and you will bring that cold snow right into your classroom.
Here are a few ideas to use SNOW DOUGH in your classroom:
⛄Make it and simply let your kiddos play with it...this "snow" feels cold, which makes it even "cooler" to manipulate. This is great for sensory needs and you can talk a little about Science!
⛄Create a snowman. Name the snowman and use a frame from the packet above or your own frame to write a story about your snowman.
⛄Create a snow scene by adding small trucks, people, cars, houses etc. Maybe even create a cooperative town!
⛄ There is another recipe for "SNOW" that I found the other day that is super fun "playing" with snow.
It is simply:
1 cup of Baking Soda
1 cup of shaving cream
1 tablespoon of water...(we added a tad more baking soda and stirred until it was the right consistency.
Here is the result:
⛄Have you tried writing sight words in the SNOW?
We have...this image is with a mat underneath, but if you know it will be snowing, get out there and have some fun with your sight words...if you are a homeschooler...what a fun way to learn your words!!! Even in school, walk outside and grab a tray of snow and get writing! OR simply use the recipe above and start writing those words!
⛄What about Some Fun and Easy Science Experiments for Home or School?
These fun experiments for every month of the year from igamemom are perfect! These 10 Easy Snow Experiments are3 educational and fun for all ages!
⛄ Snowy Winter Station and Center Activities are Always a Great Idea
I love creating centers/ work stations that fit the seasons and that students can rotate through in a week or two.
It gives me a chance to meet with Guided reading Groups or work one on one with students to meet individual needs of all students. Chatting about my ELA Centers/Stations is for another post, but if you are interested in some activities with a snowy theme, here are some that I used with much success! It even includes a Reader's theater!
⛄ Snowy Winter Animal Research Reports is a great way to integrate winter and writing.
Although the information included in this resource focusses on Polar Bears, Penguins and Reindeer, the worksheets to write the information are generic and can go beyond these winter animal. See if this is something you might to use when the chill of winter passes through your classroom. \
⛄ Snowy Winter Writing Prompts
Encourage creative writing with prompts related to winter adventures, snowy days, winter holidays special days celebrated in January and more with these Seasonal Monthly Writing Prompts. Here is one for January
Just imagine how excited your students or children will be when their classroom or house turns into a winter wonderland!
As the snowflakes dance and the chilly air wraps around us, these delightful winter activities and resources for primary learners promise endless joy and learning. From crafting snowflakes to a mix of winter writing, these experiences foster not just fun but also growth and discovery.
Embrace the magic of winter and watch as these simple moments create lasting memories for all.
Let's make this winter a season of laughter, exploration, and endless delight for our young adventurers!
I hope these ideas bring a little "SNOW"shine your way! Thanks for stopping by!