Tuesday Tips: Tips and Ideas to Become your Best Self and the Best Teacher you can be!!!

It is almost time for school to start and if you live in the south, you just might be back in school already. So with school starting or almost starting, you just might find these Tuesday Tips for Back to School helpful as you start back to greet those smiles and hear the chatter and giggles!

I know many schools in the South are having or just had their first day back to school. Others here in the Northeast section of the US, have a few more weeks.

That being said...I thought I would share out a few "tips" to help your year get started.  Tips that I have used throughout my teaching career with a few tweaks here and there.

 Classroom Decor

  • It is important to make your room look inviting...inviting enough that your students want to come bounding through those doors.  It does not have to look like a Pinterest Promotion nor should you have everything set up and ready to go, but you should have enough up to get started and to make your room look "kid friendly" and comfortable.                                                                                

  • Allow your students to take ownership of the classroom and make it feel like it belongs to them! Save some activities for your students to create! Some suggestions might be:Create the Birthday Bulletin board together having children decorate and make the icons for your board. Maybe even plan a lesson around it and allow them to fell proud about the creation. Happy Birthday to Me! 

  • If possible, do not hang your rules up before the children are in classroom community. Instead chat about each rule and have your kiddos draw pictures or fill in frames about why these rules are important. 

You can also have them sign their name on the rule poster or on a separate sheet under the poster/posters to make them feel important and a part of the classroom community.

  • Take pictures of each child in a theme based hat or something related to the theme of your classroom.  Then they can decide with you where to place these cute little faces.

  • This is a photo from a Fifty's theme we used: "Rock into Learning!"

  • It is a great idea to takes many pictures of "students in action" to use all year long.

  • I used them for attendance and made multiple copies for my own use, such as portfolios, end of year memory books as well as Mother's Day gifts.  All kids LOVE to see their pictures around the room! 

  • Don't forget to have your students write or dictate their "Hopes and Dreams" for the school year! These also make a great bulletin board...  ...not to mention how much the parents love seeing these on Back to School Night!  I send home a letter where the parents write their academic and social Hopes and Dreams and display it with child's.  If a parent cannot do this, I write my Hopes and Dreams for them!

Here are some Back to School ideas that you might want to check out!

Getting Parents on YOUR SIDE

  • I often tell parents that they are the most important person in their child's life and I say that in all sincerity.  They know their children better than anyone and They were their first teacher. 
  • I also say,"We need to work together as a team to ensure your child's success. Your child needs YOU and me to make growth and be their best self!" So just how do you show parents that you care about their child and you want them to succeed in school and life!

Here are a few ways that I have tried to show parents that I care!

  • If your school allows a "Meet and Greet" before schools starts, this is a great way to ease parents and children into the new school year.  They can meet you, take a peek at the classroom and if you teach K or first, it will cure "The First Day Jitters!"
  • The night before school starts or if that is not possible, a few days before the start of school, call each child on the telephone.  Just simply say" Hi, I am Mrs. Simpson and I am Jimmy's first grade teacher this year. I am so excited that he is in my class.  I can't wait to meet him on the first day of school. Don't forget to bring your smile!"  Now granted...that is the message you might leave on the voice mail, but you get the idea.  Sometimes you find out a little about mom, dad, Jimmy and siblings...but...that is OK!  You won't believe how excited your students will be knowing you called and I have to admit...sometimes parents have also put their child on the phone and that makes it even better!
  • Now this is not a "one night stand!"  I make sure that after the first week of school that I make
    another phone call or send an e-mail just to say how Jimmy is doing and adjusting to the first week of school and then I try to do this about once each trimester or quarter.
     This shows that you truly care and then later on in the month or year if something difficult arises, they know you want what is best for their child!

Here are a few ideas to support Parent Communication.

So...Happy Tuesday Tips' Day and enjoy the rest of your day, week or summer!
See you next time!!

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