1. Go to a park, put some plastic gloves on and bring along some hand sanitizer and pick up that trash and put it where it belongs...in the trashcan.
2. If you are pseudo recycling, grab a few boxes and start separating plastic, paper, cans etc. Have your students or kiddos decorate the boxes/containers and start the process.
3. Spend a day or to to initiate a habit of conserving water with all activities that use water. Set a timer for brushing teeth, rinsing dishes, showering etc. In fact, turn the water off whiles actually brushing your teeth to save some water.
4. Spend a day in school without always using the lights. Have a quiet time where students work quietly without those bright lights...so calm.
5. Have a Flashlight Day where you work using flashlights all day! Read, write and complete math using flashlights.
6. At home have a light monitor who is in charge of turning lights off in empty rooms.
7. Walk to school with your family instead of driving...now if you live miles away, this might not work. Try a bicycle if that idea works!
8. Make a list of ways you can take care of the ocean and keep the beaches clean. in fact if you live near the beach, take a walk and clean it up!
9. Make a list about ways we can take care of our neighborhood, school grounds, park, ball fields in our town etc. Then do it!
10. Create slogans to celebrate Earth Day and make a poster to Display each one at home or at school.
Don't Cause a commotion and Pollute the Ocean!
If you look closely, you will notice that the paper cut letters are covered with recyclable materials: plastic, newspaper, plastic straws, cups and other recycle materials you might find strolling down the beach or floating in the ocean.
Be a Superhero and Take Care of the Earth!
Get Caught Up in Recycling!
10. Plant some flowers or a small tree in your yard or school yard.
11. Make some paper and bring some old trash to life. I did this with my class and then we used our paper to create Mother's Day cards. Here's a link to a site that you can use to make some paper!
12. Use an egg carton and plant flower, herb and other seeds that can be replanted or used for cooking.
13. Make a compost pile to fertilize your garden!
14. Feed the animals. Leave seeds for birds, nuts for squirrels and research other foods local animals would love to eat.
15. Make a bird feeder using pinecones, seeds, lard or suet and some twine or paint a wooden bird feeder and hang feeders on a tree in your yard or school grounds.
16. Research and learn more about the earth and create an Earth journal.
17. Use less paper. Use both sides of. paper when writing and drawing.
18. Use some old newspaper and paint a beautiful picture right on the newspaper.
19. Use scraps of paper, plastic, can tabs and any thin else you can find that is recyclable and create a collage to hang in your house or bedroom.
20. Recycle your clothing. Give your items to green drop.
21. Create new styles from you old clothing by cutting long sleeves off to make short sleeve tops. Then use the parts of sleeves for patches and create a new T-shirt.
22. Don't throw shoes in the trash, give them to charities or others who may need them. Landfills do not need clothing or shoes...Research why with your kids.
23. Use reusable bags when shopping or storing items. Stop using plastic and paper bags.
24. In fact, make a cloth bag out of your old clothes! Tee shirts are great for this!
25. Encourage your students and children to explore nature. Take a nature walk and observe. Discuss why it is important to have these resources in your
26. Collect some treasures from a walk in the woods and make a treasure box to hold jewelry or other items.
27. Have students create a game using items from nature like our ancestors did!
I think I have given you enough ideas to get started and I am sure you can come up with tons of other ideas to teach your students and kiddos why we need to care care of the Earth and to have an Earth Mindset!
I would LOVE to hear your ideas too! Please leave a comment about what you have done t home or in school to LOVE THE EARTH!