Ten Fun Donut Theme Day Activities

10 Fun Donut Theme Day Activities

I absolutely love setting up theme days and using FUN National holidays to help make learning exciting and engaging in my first and second grade classroom. You can integrate educational skills and concepts with any topic or special day!

Donut Day is a fun way to have day long activities to transform your room into a delightful sugary, scrumptious day! Just make sure you eat donuts at the end of the day just in time for all those sugared up kiddos to go back home!

Now just because National Donut Day is June 7th, doesn’t mean you cannot do this earlier or a little later in the school year too!

Why Have a Donut Theme Day?

Theme days are a great way to make lessons more fun and engaging while using students interests (because who doesn’t love donuts right?) In addition, there is so much you can use to make a Donut theme Day full of learning activities for your class. Here are a few ideas on what to use for your Donut Theme Day:

Donut Writing Activities   

Have your students create a poster on what they love about donuts while focusing on writing and letter print. 

With this donut theme writing activity,  students can create and decorate their own donut and write about it!

There are two different options for students. Option one, students will write what donuts can, have, and are (Don't forget DONUTS are delicious!) 

Option two, students will write about their favorite donut. 

Then simply turn all that donutty writing into the perfect activity by adding a craft to the mix and that equals your fun donut theme day! Snag this writing activity here today!

Donut Math

Make a full day out of your Donut Day theme activities and use these ideas for added teaching and math centers.

Donut Adding and Subtracting: 

  • Use donuts or  donut erasers to practice math skills. For example, you can have counting exercises, simple addition and subtraction problems.  I don't know about you, but you can never have enough mini erasers.  I am sure you can find these on amazon!

  • Use different colored donut cut-outs to create and complete patterns. This helps with recognizing and predicting sequences.

These cutouts can be found in my writing resource above. Simply Print them out on different colored paper and make some easy patterns.  YOU will be surprised with what you studentw will come up with or have kids use a template decorate it and then decide how the can be graphed (Example: Striped, sprinkled, hearts, colors, size (don't forget to make them different sizes>)

  • Taste-test different flavors of donuts and have the kids vote for their favorite. Create a bar graph to display the results.

Bonus Donut Day Activities

Now that we have shared writing and math activities,  add these fun centers to make the day even better!

  • Provide plain donuts and a variety of toppings like sprinkles, icing, chocolate chips, and fruit. Let the kids decorate their own donuts.  
  • Have kids make their own paper or felt donuts. Provide materials like colored paper, markers, glue, and glitter.
  • Organize a relay race where kids have to balance a donut on a spoon and race to the finish line without dropping it.
  • Conduct an experiment to see what happens when donuts are placed in different liquids (milk, water, vinegar). Discuss the changes observed.                                                      
  • Read a fun book about donuts, such as "If You Give a Dog a Donut" by Laura Numeroff, and discuss the story with the kids.
  • Sing songs related to donuts or sweets. You can find or create simple donut-themed songs and have a sing-along.
  • Instead of playing "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie JAr'" play "Who stole the Donut from the Donut Shop!"

We love these Donut Day activities as a FUN THEME DAY F and ian integrated learning idea for kids. Try out these 10 ideas and let me know your favorite by dropping a comment below.